QSC can no longer service these products:

A-Series (All)
Legacy CX Series (CX4, CX4T, CX6, CX6T, CX12, CX12T)
EX Series (EX800, EX1250, EX1600, EX2500, EX4000)
MX and Mxa Series (MX700, MX1000A, MX1500, MX1500A, MX2000, MX2000A, MX3000A
PowerLight Series (PL1.0, PL1.0HV, PL1.4, PL1.5X, PL1.6HVX, PL1.8, PL2.0HV, PL2.4MB, PL3.4, PL3.8X, PL4.0, PL6.0, PL6.0II, PL9.0)
PowerLight2 Series (PL218, PL224, PL230, PL236, PL325, including "A" models)
USA Series (USA370, USA400, USA850, USA900, USA1300, USA1310)
Series One (1080, 1100, 1200, 1400, 1700)
Series Two (MPS2300, A2150, A2300)
Series Three (3200, 3350, 3500, 3800)
Sonetic Series (SA185, SA425, SA650)
RMX Series (RMX850, RMX1450, RMX1850HD, RMX2450, RMX4050HD, RMX5050)
CMX Series (120V - CMX300V, CMX500V, CMX800V, CMX2000V) (230V - CMX300V, CMX500V, CMX800V, CMX2000V)
PLX Series (PLX1202, PLX1602, PLX24002,PLX3002, PLX3402, PLX1104, PLX1804)
CM16 Series (CM16, CM16a)
BASIS Series (BASIS 904zz, BASIS 922az, BASIS 922uz, BASIS 914lz, BASIS 722az, BASIS 902zz, BASIS 922dz)
IRH Series (280i, 281i)
USL Series (DAX-602, MMP-10, CMS2200)
IRC Series (IRC-28, IRC-28C, IRC-28C-N)
RAVE Series (RAVE 161s, RAVE 80s, RAVE 81s, RAVE 88s, RAVE 160s, RAVE 160s-24, RAVE 161s-24, RAVE 188s, RAVE 188s-24, RAVE 520uz, RAVE 522aa, RAVE 522ua)
Cores Series (CORE 1000, CORE 1000 TYPE 2, CORE 3000, CORE 3000 TYPE 2, CORE 4000, CORE 4000 TYPE2)
TSC Series (TSC-8,TSC-8-BX )
NAC Series (NAC-100)
DSP Series (DSP-3, DSP-4, DSP-30, DSP-322ua)
DCM Series (DCM-1, DCM-2, DCM-3, DCM-10, DCM-30)
DCP Series (DCP-300 Legacy)
I/O Frame Series (I/O FRAME Type I, I/O FRAME 8s CTO)
PS Series (PS-400G, PS-400H, PS-410H, PS-800G, PS-800H)
SC Series (SC-28)
USL Series Processors (PCA-100)
HPR Series (HPR122i, HPR153i, HPR181i, HPR152F, HPR153F, HPR151W, HPR181W)
ILA Series (WL115sw)
ISIS Series (102M, 102WDD, 122M, 152M, I-215PCM, I-82H, I-282H)
MD Series (All Powered and Passive MD speakers)
Weatherized WideLine Series (WL2102-WX, WL3082-WX)
CSM Series (CSM10, CSM12, CSM15)
AD-C Series (AD-C42T, AD-Ci52T, AD-Ci52ST)
AD-S Series (AD-S52, AD-S52T)

NOTE: QSC does not service any products 25 years or older.

QSC will support Limited Service for these products:

PowerLight Series (PL340)
DCM Series (DCM-10D)
Cores Series (CORE 250i, CORE 250i CTO, CORE 1100, CORE 3100, CORE 500i)
I/O Frame Series (I/O FRAME 8s)
TSC Series (TSC-3, TSC-47w-G2, TSC -7W, TSC-7T)