Q-SYS Designer Software:  Support Policy

Q-SYS strives to bring new software solutions and features updates to better service our customers. To maximize business performance, you are encouraged to transition your systems to either the latest Q-SYS Designer Software release or the latest long-term support release.

Q-SYS will provide technical support on the most recent prior release of Q-SYS Designer Software (annotated as “End of Life – Supported”) for a period up to twelve (12) months. During this support period, Q-SYS will deliver a commercially reasonable effort to assist our customers experiencing problems with a system. After the twelve (12) months period, the prior software version will no longer be supported by Q-SYS.

Featured Updates

  • Added IEEE Standards based Video-over-IP capability to the Q-LAN Networking Solution
  • Enabled video wiring capability within Q-SYS Designer Software for AV-to-USB Bridging designs (as well as future Q-SYS Video-over-IP products)
  • Added new Inventory items including Q-SYS PTZ-IP cameras and I/O USB bridge for AV-to-USB Bridging over standard IP networks
  • Added Video Bridging capability to the Q-SYS Core 110f USB-B Port
  • New Sample design files demonstrating AV-to-USB Bridging with touch panel camera control

Featured Updates

  • Added IEEE Standards based Video-over-IP capability to the Q-LAN Networking Solution
  • Enabled video wiring capability within Q-SYS Designer Software for AV-to-USB Bridging designs (as well as future Q-SYS Video-over-IP products)
  • Added new Inventory items including Q-SYS PTZ-IP cameras and I/O USB bridge for AV-to-USB Bridging over standard IP networks
  • Added Video Bridging capability to the Q-SYS Core 110f USB-B Port
  • New Sample design files demonstrating AV-to-USB Bridging with touch panel camera control

Featured Updates

  • CINEMA: Fixed issues with Dolby Atmos functionality. Q-SYS systems in Dolby Atmos Cinema applications should contact QSC Cinema for more information and special upgrade instructions.
  • AES67: Improved compatibility with wider range of SDP implementations
  • CDN64: Improved support for multicast Dante flows
  • CDN64: Label and Flow names are now limited in length to 31 characters for compatibility with the Dante hardware module
  • CORE 110F: Added support for GPS external sync for highly accurate Loop Player functionality
  • MSR: Added support for LIVE555 media stream decoding
  • MSR: Added support for SVSi media stream decoding
  • QSD: Optimized Named Controls deletion in large files
  • QSD: Fixed a crash when using the Shift key to maintain position when pasting an object
  • LUA: Updated Q-SYS Help File regarding upgrade from Lua 5.2 to Lua 5.3 and any incompatibilities between those versions of Lua
  • LUA: Updated Lua topics to include information about using new Callback functionality
  • MISC: Fixed I/O-Frame 8S audio output issue
  • MISC: Fixed crash when using 1/24 octave graphic EQ
  • POTS: Added support for 3rd dial tone filter (UK)

Featured Updates

  • Q-LAN: Adjusted UDP ports used for Q-LAN, consult Q-SYS Help File and Q-LAN Notes document for important details.
  • LUA: Moved to Lua 5.3.2, users should check for compatibility before updating designs with Lua Scripts.
  • DOLBY ATMOS: For all Q-SYS systems in Dolby Atmos Cinema applications using the Dolby CP-850 processor, a specific upgrade procedure must be followed. Contact QSC Cinema for more information and instructions.
  • Q-LAN: Increased network latency; total Q-SYS analog in to out latency is now 3.17ms.
  • AES67: Added support for AES67 input and output streams natively on all Q-SYS Cores.
  • AES67: Added Auto mode to support Discovery and Connection Management for any AES67 stream using SAP/SDP including Dante based AES67 streams.
  • AES67: Added Manual mode to allow connection to any non-SAP/SDP based AES67 stream.
  • INVENTORY: Added IntrinsicCorrection support for new QSC AcousticDesign Pendant loudspeakers.
  • USB: Improved method of configuring USB Audio Bridging on Core 110f and TSC-7t.
  • USB: Added custom USB Bridge name to devices supporting AV Bridging.
  • POTS: Call Waiting without Call Waiting ID now supported.
  • SOFTPHONE: Fixed issue where + sign was not displayed correctly on Recent Calls list.
  • SOFTPHONE: Removed unnecessary VoIP codecs from Softphone configuration.
  • SOFTPHONE: Added support for SRTP.
  • SOFTPHONE: Enabled ‘Late Offer’ support for better call negotiation.
  • TSC: Added ability to Dim the screen including a Timeout control.
  • TSC-7t: Added ability to set TSC-7t to Network Redundant mode when Audio Bridging is enabled.
  • QSD: Added Design Properties dialogue under the File menu with configurable QoS parameters.
  • QSD: Changed Inventory, Properties and Library windows in Designer to be docking panels, can now be positioned on external monitors.
  • QSD: Improved management of User Components with support for custom folders.
  • QSD: Added Search function to the library of Schematic and User components.
  • QSD: Improved memory usage when dealing with large images.
  • QSD: Added User Panels to Container components.
  • QSD: Added support for transparent Fill and Stroke color for Buttons.
  • QSD: Added support for SVG images.
  • DSP: Added Maximum DSP property to Core 250i and Core 500i which allows more processing resources for Control and Linux processing (such as Media Stream Decoding) at the expense of AEC and NFC audio DSP processing.
  • LUA: Added ‘Control + R’ input command to update Scripts.
  • LUA: Added Script Load % and Error count to Inspector.
  • LUA: Added RapidJSON module.
  • LUA: Added Start and Stop buttons to LUA Scripts.
  • LUA: Added Connected, Reconnect, Data, Closed, Error, Timeout callbacks to Serial and TCP connections.
  • LUA: Added Data callback to UDP connection.
  • LUA: Added Uci.SetUCI, Uci.SetPage, Uci.LogOff, Uci.SetChannelGroup, Uci.SetScreen.
  • LUA: Added Qlib.crc16, Qlib.md5 and Qlib.networkinterfaces.
  • LUA: UsbMonitor and Usb
  • LUA: Util (Math conversions: FloatToBytes, UintToBytes, etc.)
  • PLUGINS: Added ability to embed images in to plugin UCIs.
  • QRC: Added Snapshot.Save and Snapshot.Load.
  • QRC: Added support for metadata.
  • QRC: Allow for setting Position with a Boolean command.
  • QRC: Allow setting by Position in Component.Set.
  • MISC: Fixed very long external sync time for GPS 1PPS and 5PPS modes.
  • MISC: Fixed bug where Mixers with Cue outputs would not operate correctly.

Featured Updates

  • INVENTORY: Added new AcousticDesign ceiling install speakers.
  • TSC-7t: Added Audio Bridging via USB to the TSC7-t.
  • CXD-Q / DataPort: Added Architectural Delay to Loudspeaker components which means the delay time is constant both when the amplifier is receiving Q-LAN audio streams, or running in Stand Alone mode.
  • AEC: Replaced Extra NLP button with a variable control for fine tuning.
  • AGC: Changed Recovery Enable default value to Off.
  • AGC: Increased Recovery Time default value to 10 seconds.
  • TELEPHONY: Made Call Progress strings consistent across POTS and Softphone components.
  • SOFTPHONE: Added TCP as a transport option under the Q-SYS Administrator Softphone configuration.
  • SOFTPHONE: Added ability to process DTMF events when no RTP packets are received (typically when Silence Suppression is enabled on VoIP system).
  • POTS: Improved Line Echo Canceler calibration on outgoing calls from the Core 110f.
  • POTS: Enabled dialing when POTS Out component is muted.
  • POTS: Fixed ‘0’ and ‘*’ DMTF commands which were previously reversed.
  • TSC-7t/w: Fixed issue where brightness could be incorrectly initialized on boot-up.
  • PAGING: Fixed Core-to-Core paging bug.
  • MSR: Fixed issue where the Media Stream Receiver latency could gradually increase.
  • UCI: Fixed Meter label rendering differences between Q-SYS Designer and TSC devices.
  • UCI: Fixed navigation bar tab width when Chevron style is used on top or bottom of UCI.
  • UCI: Fixed issue where loading large UCIs could crash the Windows UCI Viewer
  • MISC: Fixed a number of Q-SYS Designer memory leaks and reduced memory requirements when compiling or emulating large designs.
  • MISC: Added "QSC Training Website" to the Help menu which directs to https://training.qsc.com
  • MISC: Changed Gain-Sharing Automatic Mic Mixer 'Open Threshold' control label to 'Open Indicator Threshold'.
  • MISC: Fixed issue where Stereo or Multichannel components would not work correctly via Named Component API.
  • MISC: Increased 2nd-order shelving equalizer maximum Q-factor from 1 to 3.
  • MISC: Fixed issue causing very long External Clock Sync times on all Cores.
  • MISC: Fixed various Administrator display issues.

This version of Q-SYS Designer Software is no longer available for download.  

We highly recommend that you update your system to the latest Q-SYS software version to take advantage of newer features and improvements.

If, for some reason, you cannot upgrade your system and require access to this version of software:

  1. Click the link below.
  2. Then click "Create a Case" (login required).
  3. Please list your requested version number and specify your circumstances. (Permission will be granted on a case-by-case basis.)

Featured Updates

  • Speaker Voicings: Fixed a number of issues with the Voicing Filters found in the Custom Voicing Component when used with CXD-Q and DPA-Q amplifiers.
  • Speaker Voicings: Fixed an issue related to the Custom Voicing Component when used with In-Line processing.
  • POTS: Fixed an issue where 3-way calling would fail if initiated by a remote caller.
  • POTS: Fixed an issue where call waiting detection was not recognized correctly in the UK.
  • VoIP: Fixed an issue where the Softphone may not initialize correctly under some network configurations.
  • VoIP: Fixed a Softphone startup issue that could cause a memory leak.
  • Q-SYS Designer: Resolved some clipped text on the Gating Automixer control panel.
  • Q-SYS Designer: Fixed an issue where designs with large matrix mixers could crash the software.
  • Streaming: Fixed a memory leak with the WAN TX/RX components that could cause the Core to crash.

This version of Q-SYS Designer Software is no longer available for download.  

We highly recommend that you update your system to the latest Q-SYS software version to take advantage of newer features and improvements.

If, for some reason, you cannot upgrade your system and require access to this version of software:

  1. Click the link below.
  2. Then click "Create a Case" (login required).
  3. Please list your requested version number and specify your circumstances. (Permission will be granted on a case-by-case basis.)

Featured Updates

  • CXD-Q: Fixed an issue where the CXD-Q voicing-filter would begin to oscillate and the bandwidth would be cleared when the amplifier was put into Standby mode.
  • MISC: Fixed an issue where plugins would not be properly updated when the source of plugin was modified.
  • INVENTORY: Added Inventory components for the new QSC E Series loudspeakers.
  • INVENTORY: Added Inventory components for the new QSC SR-1590 Cinema loudspeaker.
  • INVENTORY: Updated the Inventory component for the SR-1290 Cinema loudspeaker.
  • MISC: Updated the Q-SYS Designer installer to find and uninstall Q-SYS Designer versions 4.2 and 5.0.
  • POTS: Fixed the button assignment of the DTMF digits '0' and '*' on the pin-pad dialer.
  • VoIP: Fixed an issue where Softphones would not come back online when the LAN interfaces configured with static IP addresses were disconnected then reconnected.
  • VoIP: Fixed an issue where incoming Softphone calls were not reaching the Q-SYS Core. This issue was fixed by changing the way Softphone registers a contact. Previously, the contact was registered in the format - "gw+gatewayname@host". The Softphone contact is now registered in the "extension@host" format.

Featured Update

  • BUG FIX:  Fixed an issue where the Mode property of QSC Loudspeakers was inaccessible in Q-SYS Designer.

Featued Updates

  • AEC: Added NLP  control

  • AEC: Fixed an issue where occasional near-end dropouts would occur during double talk.

  • POTS: Adjusted Switzerland POTS disconnect tone detection time

  • POTS: Added POTS international Caller ID support, various bug fixes and improvements

  • POTS: Added POTS line polarity reversal detection

  • POTS: Added V.23 FSK support to POTS Caller ID decoder

  • POTS: Improved POTS Caller ID CPE Alert signal detection

  • POTS: POTS Caller ID decoder now handles missing name field

  • POTS: Made the tone detection for Call Waiting country dependent.

  • POTS: Made ringing-signal detection parameters country dependent

  • POTS: Made auto-connect timeout country-dependent.

  • POTS: Added 450Hz Thai disconnect tone spec,

  • POTS: Fixed an issue where the India ring-back tone was not to specifications.

  • POTS: Fixed an issue with a spurious line fault indication during active ringing signal.

  • POTS: Increased tone-detector tolerance from 20% to 25%

  • CXD-Q: Fixed an issue where the CXD-Q Front Panel was unresponsive to button presses when the amplifier was rebooted into Standby (Sleep) mode.

  • CXD-Q: Fixed an issue where a Stand-alone design would crash when power was removed then restored.

  • SoftPhone: Fixed an issue that would cause a SoftPhone to crash.

  • UCI/TSC-X: Tweak Knob font size

  • UCI/TSC-X: Fixed an issue with the Text Box word-wrap

  • UCI/TSC-X: The Text Box Padding is now independent of stroke width if Text Box Style is set to No Background.

  • UCI/TSC-X: Fixed an issue where a text box displayed when Show Text Box is set to No.

  • UCI/TSC-X: Restored the UCI List single-touch scrolling.

  • UCI/TSC-X: Removed the outdated Bonus Padding Point.

  • UCI/TSC-X: Fixed an issue where the Legend did not display correctly on Faders.

  • UCI Viewer: Fixed an issue where the UCI Viewer fails to reconnect if the control connection fails but discovery of the unit does not fail.

  • MISC: Fixed status logging for older DataPort.

  • MISC: Made the DataPort loudspeaker suppresses logging until the amplifier status is good

  • MISC: Fixed an issue where the Status logger does not get

  • utomatically suppressed based on indeterminate metadata.

  • MISC: Fixed an issue where the CXDQ custom voicing filters would overwrite the crossover settings.

  • MISC: Fixed an issue where the Paging logic data-structures were not sufficiently protected and could cause faults.

  • MISC: Fixed issue where a copy/paste of a UCI page would result in duplicate internal page IDs causing navigation errors.

Featured Updates

  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where an ad-hoc Scheduled Command would be incorrectly initialized. This condition could possibly lead to scheduled items not triggering.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the Contact List tab didn't show up in Q-SYS Administrator if a SoftPhone component was not placed in the design.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the Custom Button icons were not displayed in the Q-SYS Designer UCI window. The icons were displayed properly in the UCI Viewer, and the Touchscreens.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the CXDQ 4.2 amplifier would report a false output-short when coming out of the Mute-All state when a signal was present
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the design would crash when attempting to Group with nothing selected.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the GPIO was not selectable for External Sync on Cores other than the Core 110f.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the help for UCI buttons was not going to the right spot.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the SNMP agent would crash the runtime engine when loading snapshots from different threads.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed Issues relating to a large number of Dante devices on the network when in internal configuration mode.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the RX Bytes control in Serial Port component was not updated.
  • BUG FIX: Greatly reduced overrun issues in Q-SYS Release 5.0.
  • CHANGE: Added new versions of installed sample designs for Q-SYS Designer 5.0.x.
  • CHANGE: Increased the Core 110f maximum SoftPhone count from 2 to 4
  • CHANGE: The UCI and TSC-x backgrounds are now dark gray.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added support for AC-C8T, AP212sw, SB-2180 and SR-26 loudspeakers.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the GUI performance on UCIs and TSC-x when using very small text-edit controls.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Re-enabled multi-touch support on the UCI Viewer and TSC-8.

Featured Updates

  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where an ad-hoc Scheduled Command would be incorrectly initialized. This condition could possibly lead to scheduled items not triggering.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the Contact List tab didn't show up in Q-SYS Administrator if a SoftPhone component was not placed in the design.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the Custom Button icons were not displayed in the Q-SYS Designer UCI window. The icons were displayed properly in the UCI Viewer, and the Touchscreens.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the CXDQ 4.2 amplifier would report a false output-short when coming out of the Mute-All state when a signal was present
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the design would crash when attempting to Group with nothing selected.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the GPIO was not selectable for External Sync on Cores other than the Core 110f.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the help for UCI buttons was not going to the right spot.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the SNMP agent would crash the runtime engine when loading snapshots from different threads.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed Issues relating to a large number of Dante devices on the network when in internal configuration mode.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the RX Bytes control in Serial Port component was not updated.
  • BUG FIX: Greatly reduced overrun issues in Q-SYS Release 5.0.
  • CHANGE: Added new versions of installed sample designs for Q-SYS Designer 5.0.x.
  • CHANGE: Increased the Core 110f maximum SoftPhone count from 2 to 4
  • CHANGE: The UCI and TSC-x backgrounds are now dark gray.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added support for AC-C8T, AP212sw, SB-2180 and SR-26 loudspeakers.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the GUI performance on UCIs and TSC-x when using very small text-edit controls.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Re-enabled multi-touch support on the UCI Viewer and TSC-8.