Fonctionnalités virtuelles de Q-SYS OS,
directement depuis votre PC ou serveur.
Le processeur virtuel Q-SYS vCore met à votre disposition une sélection de fonctionnalités évolutives de Q-SYS
dans un format entièrement basé sur le logiciel,
directement depuis votre PC ou serveur.
Adaptez les fonctionnalités de vCore avec
les licences de fonctionnalités additionnelles vCore
Les processeurs Q-SYS vCore doivent être associés à des licences de fonctionnalités additionnelles compatibles
pour permettre d’activer des sous-ensembles spécifiques de fonctionnalités de Q-SYS OS.
Licence de fonctionnalité additionnelle Q-SYS Control pour vCore

Améliore l’expérience des utilisateurs dans les applications moins compliquées
Ajoute contrôle et automatisation (contrôle des écrans vidéo, capteurs de présence IP, commutation des sources vidéo, etc.) aux applications dans les petites salles de réunion, les petits espaces de collaboration et l’hôtellerie, dont les besoins en matière d’audio et de communications unifiées sont satisfaits par un simple matériel autonome.

Assiste les utilisateurs avec un suivi et une gestion à distance, ainsi qu’un service d’assistance
Comble les écarts souvent laissés par le matériel sur mesure qui ne se connecte pas aux outils standard des fournisseurs de services gérés en vous permettant de relier ces appareils disparates à Q-SYS Reflect Enterprise Manager, une solution de suivi et de gestion à distance de qualité professionnelle gérée dans le Cloud.
Préparer un système vCore est très simple

l’image Q-SYS vCore

Installez l’image Q-SYS vCore
sur votre hyperviseur

Achetez la licence de fonctionnalité additionnelle
Q-SYS vCore auprès
de votre distributeur habituel

la licence de fonctionnalité additionnelle Q-SYS vCore
depuis Core Manager / Enterprise Manager

Déployez votre conception Q-SYS
Q-SYS vCore Image v1.0
Released November 16, 2022
Hyperviseurs pris en charge: Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware ESXi, Linux KVM
Exigences matérielles
- Processeur x86 64 bits à plusieurs cœurs
- Support CPU pour la virtualisation matérielle
- Minimum de 8 Go de mémoire, dont 2 Go affectés à chaque image VM
- Minimum de 2 Go d'espace de disque
- Q-SYS vCore nécessite une connexion Internet stable
Les éléments suivants devront être activés dans le BIOS du système :
- Technologie de virtualisation (peut avoir un label différent selon le fabricant de la carte mère)
Exigences logicielles
- Logiciel Q-SYS Designer v9.6 ou supérieur
- Licence de la fonction de contrôle Q-SYS pour vCore
(Users must agree to the End User License Agreement on the next page to Download)
If you have additional questions, visit Q-SYS vCore FAQ.
Q-SYS vCore Control Software
- These Terms and Conditions describe the obligations of the entity that has submitted an order to purchase one or more entitlements (“Order”) that allows for activation of feature licenses for QSC’s vCore Control Software (“vCore Software”), hereinafter, the “Company”.
- If Company is an authorized QSC reseller, distributor, or integrator, Company may resell the vCore Software purchased under this Order only to Commercial End-Users, and any such resale must be made subject to the Commercial End-User’s acknowledgment of and agree-ment to the vCore Software License Agreement (“License Agreement”) included with the vCore Software. “Commercial End-User” means a business entity, group or individual that acquires the vCore Software solely for its internal business purposes. The License Agree-ment is available on QSC's website at Company has read and understands the License Agreement. If the Company is acting on behalf of the Commer-cial End-User, the Company represents that it has the authority to enter into the purchase or-der on the Commercial End-User’s behalf and bind such Commercial End-User to these terms and conditions. If Company is not an authorized QSC reseller, distributor, or integrator, Company shall not resell the vCore Software purchased under this Order to any other party.
- A functional description of the vCore Software and the technical requirements for use of the vCore Software are found in the documentation located at (“Documentation”). The vCore Software descriptions in the Documentation are to be understood exclusively as descriptions and not as a guarantee or warranty. The exclusive warranty for the vCore Software is found in the License Agreement.
- If the delivered vCore Software is defective, QSC will provide the remedy in the warranty found in the License Agreement. If a Commercial End User is entitled to a pro rata refund of the fees paid to Company for activation of a feature license, Company shall refund that pro rata amount to the Commercial End-User, and may request a pro rata refund of the fee Company paid to QSC pursuant to the order for the applicable entitlement along with documentation sufficient to demonstrate payment of the pro rata refund to the Commercial End User.
- If Company resells the vCore Software to a Commercial End-User, Company will provide the maintenance and support services to the Commercial End-User described in the Q‑SYS Ecosystem Support Policy and the Q‑SYS 24x7 Emergency Support Policy. Company has read and understood the scope of the policies referenced above.
- The License Agreement will take precedence over these Terms and Conditions. In case of any discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and the provisions of any other Agreement between Company and QSC with respect to the vCore Software, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.
- Company represents and warrants that it is aware of and agrees to comply with any laws or regulations that apply to any and all of Company’s performance of its obligations relating to the use and resale (if permitted hereunder) of the vCore Software, related feature licenses, and the provision of maintenance and support services relating to the vCore Software. Any failure by Company to comply with any such applicable laws shall constitute grounds for termination of Company’s ability to continue any such business relating to the vCore Software.
- In addition to any other indemnification obligation that Company may have towards QSC under other agreements, Company shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless QSC (including any entity, individual, firm, or corporation, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents) from and against any and all claims arising out of or related to Company’s failure to comply with its obligations under these Terms & Conditions, including its obligations to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.