Corporate Governance

A strong governance establishes the foundation that is necessary for success. Recognizing the crucial role ESG plays in our business, QSC established an ESG Committee that is comprised of senior executives to provide strategic guidance and drive the implementation of new procedures. The Committee meets on a consistent basis and receives monthly progress updates.

Supply Chain Transparency

We work with our suppliers to elevate our products and our operations, and expect them to comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and treaties as described in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Business Ethics

We are committed to upholding ethical and legal standards in our business operations. The Trade and Product & Material Compliance teams ensure we comply with relevant laws and principles and work closely with the ESG team on regulations that are related to both areas. Please go to our Compliance Library if you require a list of Trade Agreements Act (TAA) compliant products, would like to read our statements, or need specific product certificates.

Data Security & Privacy

QSC has put internal policies, protocols, and procedures in place to ensure our customers’ information and data is protected. Our teams regularly review and assess our service providers comply with relevant regulations and meet our expectations.